Are Bogen and Manfrotto Tripods the Same?


Old055TopYes, 20 years or so ago, Bogen tripods were made by Manfrotto.


No, the current Manfrotto Tripods are very different in most cases from what the Bogen equivalent used to be called.

MTtripod above

As you can see from the 3021/055 picture to the left, this Bogen tripod is bulkier and more angular.  The MT055 Manfrotto tripod to the right is the same series tripod, though it is made about 20 years later and it is much more stylish.

One of the major changes between the two brands, though they shared models like 055, 058, 190 etc; is generally the weight.  The newer Manfrotto tripods a very much lighter than the previous models. The old Bogen 055/3021 weighs about 6.6 lbs; while the new Manfrotto MT055XPRO3 only weighs 5.5 lbs.  The old Bogens usually used round tubes, where most of the new Manfrotto tripods have “D” shaped tubes that are lighter and just as strong as the older heavier ones.

Also the use of “technopolymer” is allowing the weight on bulky parts to be reduced.  You will find this on the newer heads.

By using newer technologies and better allows the size and strength remain the same while the weight is decreased overall. This technology is being diffused across all the tripods, heads, and monopods.


If you are having problems determining what parts you need, or for a tune up or for repairs, send your name, address, daytime phone and email address along with your tripod to: Repairs
c/o SpartanPhotoCenter
108 Garner Road
Spartanburg, SC 29303

Once we have it, we will evaluate it and contact you. Please send us your daytime phone so we can reach you during business hours.

Lastly, if we are repairing your Manfrotto Product; we are recycling all broken parts and scrap articles. Almost nothing goes into the trash if we can help it.